Coffee is one of the most popular beverages on the planet, with over two billion cups consumed daily! Most people rely on it to kick-start their morning or as an energy boost in the afternoon and that’s it. While this alone is a great reason to provide office coffee delivery to your break room, we want to share how coffee can perk up your team with these long-term health benefits!
Coffee Is Rich in Antioxidants
Antioxidants prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals, and in doing so, slows the aging process and can reduce the risk of cancer. Coffee is an excellent source of antioxidants, containing more per ounce than both green tea and cocoa – long touted for their antioxidizing benefits. Even more impressive is that it’s a near-exclusive source of chlorogenic acid which is found to play a role in preventing cardiovascular disease.
Coffee Contains Valuable Nutrients
Coffee is a great source for several B vitamins and other nutrients, including:
- Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) – 11% Recommended Daily Intake (RDI)
- Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) – 6% RDI
- Manganese – 3%
- Potassium – 3%
- Magnesium – 2%
- Niacin (Vitamin B3) – 2%
While these numbers may seem small, it’s important to note that most people who drink coffee enjoy more than a small cup, so the amounts add up quickly!
Drinking Coffee Can Improve Liver Health
One study in Italy found that people who drink coffee have a reduced risk of liver cancer, with one result suggesting that people who consume three cups of coffee each day have a risk level that’s 50 percent lower than non-coffee drinkers. In a 2019, study review by the NCBI came to the conclusion that “coffee intake probably reduces the risk of liver cancer.”
Additionally, an analysis of the available data in 2017 showed that drinking any coffee (decaf or regular) reduced the risk of cirrhosis and fatty liver not caused by alcohol consumption. Specifically, the autoimmune disorders that affect bile ducts were found at a much lower rate in coffee drinkers.
Chronic Disease Risk Reduced By Coffee
Multiple studies have showed that drinking coffee reduces the risk of multiple chronic diseases, including:
- Alzheimer’s Disease – coffee drinkers have a 65 percent lower risk of diagnosis.
- Type II Diabetes – those who drink up to four cups of coffee a day have up to a 30 percent lower risk of type II diabetes, though one study suggests a reduction rate as high as 67 percent.
- Parkinson’s Disease – The caffeine in coffee can help reduce risk of Parkinson’s disease by between 32 and 60 percent.
- Heart Failure – People who drink moderate amounts of coffee have an 11 percent lower risk of heart failure than those who don’t drink coffee.
Coffee Improves Calorie Burning
According to the Mayo Clinic, the caffeine in coffee can increase thermogenesis, the process of generating heat and energy during the digestion process. This increased energy output uses more calories and the boost can also increase your metabolic rate and improve the effects of a weight loss program.
Coffee Can Improve Your Mental Health
Around 4 percent of the population struggle with clinical depression, but millions more struggle with depressive episodes or chronic low-level depression. A Harvard study from 2011 found that women who consumed at least four six-ounce cups of coffee had reduced their risk of depression by 20 percent.
Providing Office Coffee Can Improve Workplace Health
Investing in your employees’ health is a great way to increase production and boost your bottom line while also improving morale. By providing a quality office coffee service, such as one provided by Atlantic Vending, your team will get more than the health benefits of fresh coffee. They’ll also feel appreciated and valued when they see their employer willing to invest in an office coffee machine that provides them with the luxury of fresh, hot coffee that’s completely customizable and on demand!
Contact Us for Office Coffee Services
At Atlantic Vending, we provide offices around New Jersey with coffee service that includes stocking paper products, single cup coffees, condiments, and even an assortment of teas and hot chocolates. We’ll work with you to create a pleasant break room and a productive work environment that will save you money and benefit your team.
Reach out to us today at 1-888-218-8363 or simply fill out the form below to learn more!